Why Use a Mortgage Broker:

At Ask Niki, we understand that finding the right mortgage can be overwhelming. That's why we're here to simplify the process and help you secure the best possible financing for your needs.

Here's why you should consider using a mortgage broker:

  • Personalized Matching: We match you with the lender and product that best fit your financial goals and future plans.
  • Competitive Rates: Gain access to competitive interest rates that suit your budget and preferences.
  • Expanded Options: With access to a wide network of lenders and products, we provide you with more options than traditional banks.
  • Unbiased Advice: Receive impartial advice tailored to your unique situation, ensuring that your best interests are always prioritized.
  • Streamlined Process: Enjoy a faster and simpler mortgage process, saving you time and hassle.
  • Continuous Support: We're here to support you every step of the way, from the initial consultation to the final closing.

How It Works – A Step by Step Pathway

Step 1: Introductory Call:

Book a meeting with us for a 30 minute introductory call to discuss your mortgage application process and goals.


 Making a Purchase:

Once you have an accepted offer, we submit your completed mortgage application with supporting documents to the lender for review and approval. We work closely with you and the lender to meet the conditions of financing. Upon the lender's final approval, the mortgage contract is finalized with your lawyer, and funds are transferred.

Step 2: Complete Application:

Fill out a quick mortgage application to assess your qualifying and provide a detailed budget to support your home shopping or assist in your renewal or refinance.


Refinance or Renewal:

For refinancing or renewals, we follow the same process of submitting your completed mortgage application to the lender for review and approval. We collaborate with you and the lender to meet all financing conditions. Once the lender gives final approval, the mortgage contract is finalized with your lawyer, and funds are transferred.

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